Calvary Rocks

Calvary Rocks is an easy out and back that follows parts of the Appalachian trail and the Riprap loop trail. Did this on a fairly cool, cloudy day. The rocks at the top have some great views and are easier to get to than some of the nearby trails like Turk Mountain.  (more…)

Madison Run Fire Road

Went on this a couple weeks ago. Wouldn’t even really call it a hike so much as a walk. It’s a well maintained fire road and the lower part has a very gentle grade. We had a young dog with us that hadn’t gotten much experience so we didn’t try any of the steeper sections. The road itself continues up to Skyline Drive and there are a number of trails that can be access from it that I am looking forward to checking out soon. (more…)

Corridor H

Corridor H is an attempt to improve transportation in north-east West Virginia that has been stopped by environmental concerns. Two sections of the road have been completed, with 20 miles of partially completed road and untouched wilderness between them. I’ve heard people call it the road to nowhere, but I don’t think that’s commonly used for this road outside the area. (more…)