LTSP on Ubuntu 14.04 NBD timeouts

With LTSP running on Ubuntu 14.04, some clients get the error “Error: Failed to connect to NBD server” followed by “Socket failed: Connection timed out” or a similar “Socket failed” message. This happens mostly when the client was shut down incorrectly, but it does occasionally seem to happen otherwise. (more…)

Using VMWare Converter 5.0.1 with Ubuntu 12.04

The latest version of VMWare Converter doesn’t play nice with newer versions of Ubuntu. It will fail at 99% with this very informative error message:

FAILED: An error occurred during the conversion: ‘GrubInstaller::InstallGrub: /usr/lib/vmware-converter/ failed with return code: 1, and message: FATAL:
kernel too old Error running through chroot into /mnt/p2v-src-root ‘