Calvary Rocks is an easy out and back that follows parts of the Appalachian trail and the Riprap loop trail. Did this on a fairly cool, cloudy day. The rocks at the top have some great views and are easier to get to than some of the nearby trails like Turk Mountain. If you continue for about half a mile more (adding one mile to the round trip) you come to Chimney rocks. Other people who have done this hike say it’s worth it for the additional views, but unfortunately I didn’t have time today. In addition to being an easy hike in general, it’s also a little up and down, which gives you some nice breaks from climbing.

Update: After looking at a map of the rip rap area for another hike, I think we actually stopped a few dozen yards short of Calvary rocks! What I though was the rocks is just marked “viewpoint” on the map. I will definitely be visiting this one again and uploading a new track and more pictures.

Total Distance: 3.22 mi
Total climb: 721 ft
Altitude change: 332 ft


Categories: Hiking


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